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Monday, October 29, 2007

Automated Test Concepts Cont....

Common Pitfalls

Large companies would spend tens of thousands for a large-scale automated test system, would employ a few people with QA experience for the auto-test project and may spend a few more thousands for training people in the said test system. However much of this investment effort may go to waste if they are not aware of some of the most common pitfalls and misconceptions about automated tests:

§   Myth: automated tests are all about recording mouse and keyboard clicks and playing them back. Truth: This practice creates so many problems that is better to avoid it completely. Here's just a quick list of reasons:

1.      data generated is esentially hard coded, maintaining it is a nightmare;

2.      the recorder doesn't know when you're waiting for a certain event, so if you pause for some reason it will generate a time delay;

3.      as a consequence the recorder will generate delays every time you stop typing or moving the mouse. However if you were really waiting for some window to appear, the generated delay may be too short in some cases;

4.      changes in the interface layout, tab order, screen resolution, system speed (timing) have a good change to cause the recorded script to fail;

5.      screen, mouse and keyboard are 'tied' during playback: you're not allowed to touch them as any change in the active window, current keyboard focus or mouse position may cause the script to fail.

Although Q1 has methods which operate on the system mouse we recommend using them only as a last resort, because of the disadvantages mentioned.

§   Myth: Anybody can write the scripts once they've learned the language, therefore taking some testers to a several days training course will pay back fast. Truth: Writing automated scripts is essentially a programming task and should be approached as such. For example tests should be designed first rather than implemented ad-hoc, data should not be hard-coded but passed as parameters or read from external files, common functionality should go into helper functions and be placed in common files and so on. A person without programming experience will make some very expensive beginner's mistakes, regardless of the language they're using.

§   Maintainability: failure to isolate the test logic from the user interface makes the script very sensitive to UI changes, requiring frequent maintenance.

Best Practices

§         Design your scripts with maintainability in mind. One of the most important factors in minimizing future work is structuring the code correctly from the start. Of course you will architecture your code based on your needs and time, but in theory a well designed script should contain:

§   An Interface between the script and the tested application, containing objects which wrap around your application UI and functions. You would only use these objects to manipulate your application. The goal is to separate UI elements from the test logic, so that when the user interface changes you will only need to update the wrapper object instead of going through all the code. For example if you have an 'Account' dialog with controls which allow you to edit the account's details, create a wrapper class accountWindow with variables for the controls. In the script code refer to them as accountWindow.Name instead of app.dialog("Account").edit(3). The wrapper objects are also an excellent place to store related helper functions (for example in selftest.js the Q1wnd object contains functions for setting breakpoints and opening files)

§   The actual Tests written as independent functions which use the wrapper objects. Their content is completely up to you, but read below for some best practices.

§   Some Test Management code. If you have a large set of tests and you follow the recommandations below and make them independent, then you can group them into test packs and execute each pack as needed.

As long as the test scripts are small, all these three layers can fit into the same file, but when the script code base grows larger it makes sense to place them into separate files and even folders, just as you would with your application source code.

§   Start with smoke tests. Smoke tests are intended to cover a lot of functionality but only superficially, without going into details. They are short and easy to write, making them perfect as a first task while you're more focused on how to structure the scripts. They will give an immediate benefit and will be the most cost effective as they'll probably be run hundreds of times during the application's development. If you take an XP (extreme-programming) approach you can include the smoke tests into the build process and consider a programming task done when all the tests are running cleanly.

§   Make tests robust. There are three main requirements you must implement in order to create a solid and really automatic test suite:

§   self-configuration : the test should not require manual setup in order to run. If it needs some options to be set or certain data to be added to the database, it should do it itself. The ultimate goal is to have a test which runs at the click of a button. Automating such small steps may seem as extra work, but it will really save you lots of time in the long run.

§   independence : a test should not depend on a previous test to succeed, or to leave the data in a certain state. As much as possible each test should set up its own preconditions and clean up after itself, if it destroys data. This will achieve two goals: 1. tests can be replayed any number of times without manual intervention, and 2. you can run tests in any order, or run just a subset at a time.

§   recovery : if you have a large set of tests which take a long time to execute (hours), you may run into the following problem: a test fails and brings the application into an unexpected state, causing all other tests to fail. For example the application may crash, deadlock, or it may simply display a modal dialog box which no test knows how to close. If your leave your tests running and come back after a few hours, it is very annoying to find out they stopped after just two minutes. To solve this problem you can either kill and restart your application at the beginning of each pack of tests, or use exception handling to detect problems (ex: window not found) and to attempt to correct them.

§   Reuse as much as possible. Q1 makes use of Windows Scripting technologies to allow you to make the maximum out of the various script languages and ActiveX objects available. This version of Q1 does not allow mixing of different languages in the same script, but if you want to take advantage of this you can create separate files and run them independently. Also, have a look at all the COM and ActiveX components which implement various functionalities, for example the FileSystemObject for working with files and folders, ADO for working with databases, Accessibility for manipulating controls which don't have Q1 wrappers, MSXML for working with XML data files and so on. Whatever you need, chances are there is a COM component out there, which you can use in Q1. As many of them are free, a little research can save you both time and money.

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